
Please be patient! We are working on our online store to sell Katrina’s books and to download her podcasts. Please contact Katrina directly at to purchase her books or arrange for a bulk discount.

TOB for Seminaries Workbook $6.99

If you need to order any of Katrina’s books, please send an email to

Discovering the Feminine Genius presents a framework in which women can discover and understand their human and spiritual journey as a daughter of God, a woman, a unique individual, and spouse of the Spirit. Katrina Zeno, renowned speaker on the theology of the body, explores the role of women in our complex world and explains the concept of the feminine genius.

The Body Reveals God – Whether you’ve never heard of Theology of the Body or you’re familiar with St. John Paul II’s jam-packed lectures, this book is for you. You’ll gain new understanding of what the Catholic Church teaches and why as you read through St. John Paul II’s profound Scriptural reflections on the whole panorama of salvation. Best of all, this book can be read either individually or a discussion group in order to break open St. John Paul II’s challenging vocabulary to strengthen your faith and to impact the lives of those around you.

When Life Doesn’t Go Your Way – Most women have a mental script or plan for their lives. And, of course, that script has a happy ending. However, that s not always what happens. When we are faced with a change in the script whether that be a loss of a loved one, a dream, our health, or some other tragic event how do we respond in faith? Retreat speaker and author Katrina J. Zeno wants us to have a heart of hope, one that presses into God and stays connected instead of drawing away during difficult times. Through personal stories, anecdotes, witnesses, and Scripture, Zeno invites women to recognize God s goodness, presence, and action in their lives.