In order to best serve you, please make the following arrangements for Katrina’s speaking:
1) A lapel or over-the-ear mike (over-the-ear is preferred).
2) A black music stand (even if a podium is available, please provide a black music stand).
3) A powerpoint projector and screen. Please make sure the screen is large and that it is at least 8-10 feet off the ground otherwise the audience cannot see the powerpoint slides because of the person’s head in front of them. This is a common problem in churches or parish halls where the screen is placed at eye level. As a result, you may need to place the screen on a table or otherwise elevate it in order for the audience to see the full screen. Please work out this detail before Katrina’s arrival. Thank you.
4) Laptop computer.
5) A card table about 6 feet in front of where Katrina will be standing for the laptop computer. Please note that Katrina needs to be able to see the screen of the laptop from where she is standing and be able to look over it at the audience (if she is on a stage, a foot monitor is fine as long as she can change the powerpoint slide herself with a remote clicker). This arrangement can sometimes be challenging depending on the hook-up between the laptop and the powerpoint projector. Please make sure the cord connecting the laptop to the powerpoint projector is long enough so the laptop can be placed 6 feet or so in front of Katrina. You may need to secure a longer cord than previously used.
Please note that it is NOT workable for the laptop to sit on a podium next to Katrina nor for Katrina to turn around and look at the screen or for someone else to advance the powerpoint slides. Again, thank you for your understanding
6) A small table and chair beside Katrina for her visual aids.
7) A large table for selling Katrina’s books and at least 2 people to help with book sales, at least one of whom should be familiar with using Square for credit card purchases (Katrina will provide her own Square device).