Happy (Lenten) New Year March 2, 2017Blogabstinence, Catholic, God, happy new year, Katrina Zeno, lent, new year, resolutions, st. john paul II, Theology of the Body, tobkAtZ315 Click Here
Argentine Tango and The Spiritual Life February 15, 2017BlogArgentine Tango, Argentine Tango and the Spiritual Life, Catholic, Katrina Zeno, metaphor, Spiritual Life, Tango, Theology of the Body, Valentine, Valentine's DaykAtZ315 Click Here
Would You Like Fries With That? February 1, 2017BlogAdvent, Catholic, Emmanuel, faith, God, God Is With Us, Holy Spirit, Jesus, JPII, Katrina Zeno, Phoenix, Theology of the BodykAtZ315